Welcome to My Portfolio

About Me

My name is Hassan Siyad and I study Network Administration and Web Development at Saint Paul College in St. Paul, Minnesota.

I made this website as a portfolio of my skills developing websites.

I have taken the following classes at Saint Paul College:

  • Web Fundamentals, where I learned HTML and CSS
  • Networking Fundamentals where I learned Basic Router and Switch configurations
  • Computer Networking 4 – Infrastructure where I learned Advanced Router and Switch configurations
  • A+ where I learned the knowledge of various computer applications and ability to solve the technical problems.

I’ve obtained a new certification: Adobe Certified Professional in Graphic Design & Illustration Using Adobe Illustrator from Adobe!.

My hobbies include drinking coffee, mastering new things, self study and making websites.

beautiful photo of Saint Paul on the river

The beautiful photo of the sunset, is from David Mark from Pixabay


Check out my resume! I am always looking for coding opportunities.


My portfolio includes websites as well as some special HTML/CSS projects.

JavaScript Game

I made my custom version of the W3 Schools JavaScript game.

Hassan's Trip to Costa Rica!

I made this photo gallery in JavaScript. It includes some photos that I took Nov 2022.